Our design
Team led by Cristiana Grasu

They asked me what I like so much about interior design. Well, I love the fact that I can build something that makes people happy, and that will make them happy every time they come home from a hard day’s work, or every time they spend a Sunday at home playing with their kids, or every time they fill their homes with friends and their souls with joy. And I love that it lasts! It lasts in time. After preparing all my life to work in finance and working in the Paris stock market, I realized I was only making money for the sake of money, and not really building anything. It felt very empty of meaning. So after 4 years in the international finance world and 16 years in the international modeling world, I decided to finally do something more meaningful. And I have to admit that all the countries I visited and all the places I lived in and all the cultures I had to adapt to, really contoured my design personality. My design is a beautiful mix of all these influences I was lucky enough to experience, but always keeping my feet on the ground and designing the most practical interiors. Let me into your house, and I will make it your HOME.